Connecting people
with Jesus & others
I'm New
Connecting people
with Jesus & others
I'm New

Our Block

This past year has been filled with so many challenges, and at a time when we need people the most many of us are not able to see those we care about. That is why as a church we have decided what better time to get to know those who live closest to us- our neighbors! Our Block is a missional movement here at Peace Church where we connect to our neighbors, let them know we care about them, and build community with them. 

We started in November by giving our neighbors a pumpkin to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. 

Then in December we assembled and handed out over 600 Christmas Trees followed by 600 boxes of cookies on Christmas Eve.

For the month of January, we are going to give our neighbors a card that simply wishes them a Happy New Year! You can pick up these cards in the purple bin right outside our front door. We also though would like to encourage you to take this a step further. On the back of the card there is plenty of room to write your own message and leave your phone number for them to text or call you. Be mindful this month on some ways you can serve them! Maybe you could shovel the snow off their driveway or clear off their car. Maybe you enjoy baking and could bake them a treat! Whatever you decided to do we would love to hear about it! Feel free to share your stories with us by contacting Christina Albrecht at

In February we held a community food drive for the Pickerington Food Pantry. During this we took a paper bag to our neighbors and asked them to fill it and set it out on their porch. We collected a total of 5,187 pounds of food.

In March, we passed out small bags of Easter candy to wish them a happy spring! We also assembled 320 wooden crosses with the word hope on it, similar to our Christmas Trees in December, to show our neighbors that we are Christians.

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