About Trash 2 Treasure
Our annual Trash 2 Treasure sale that fills the entire church (and a large tent outside) began in 1996. The sale includes furniture, collectibles, Christmas/holiday items, toys and games, books, crafts, decor items, kitchen/household goods, tools, children’s clothing, and more. Trash2Treasure is held every year on the first Friday and Saturday in August.
The proceeds from the 2024 sale totaled over $45,000, making it the largest and most successful sale in its history. All funds from the sale benefit local and international missions. The proceeds supported the following missions: Youth 4 Christ, Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Bed Brigade, Open Shelter, Helping Hands Medical Equipment Ministry, Lifeline Christian Mission, Pickerington Area Food Pantry, and others.
Please visit and like our Facebook page @Trash2TreasureSale
International Missions
We at Peace Church believe that we are called to serve those all around the world. There are several ways that we are involved in International Missions however two that we are frequently partnered with are Lifeline Christian Missions and Faithful Footsteps.
We partner with Lifeline Christian Missions in meal-packing events, global mission trips, collecting items for hygiene and school supply bags. Ministries are based in Arizona, Canada, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras,
Panama, Uganda, and the United States, along with a global meal pack ministry.
To learn more details about Lifeline, go to the Lifeline Christian Mission website at: www.lifeline.org
Faithful Footsteps is a nonprofit organization that supports an orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico called Tijuana Christian Mission (TCM). Their purpose is to raise money, and awareness for child sponsorships, provide opportunities for mission trips or internships at the orphanage, and build relationships with the children and staff by showing them God’s love. More information about our nonprofit can be found on our website faithfulfootsteps.org
Local Missions
Blessing Box
We collect non-perishable food items and hygiene products for our Blessing Box located in the south parking lot of our facility at 235 Diley Road, Pickerington, Ohio, 43147. You can donate items by bringing them to the church office or placing them directly in the Blessing Box. Leave what you can and take what you need!
Bed Brigade
Bed Brigade is a non-profit charity that builds and delivers beds for those that need them. You can learn more about Bed Brigade at https://www.bedbrigadecolumbus.org/.
Open Shelter
The Open Shelter is an Advocacy Center & Day Services Shelter for homeless and marginally-housed people in Central Ohio. They provide crucial needs directly to those in crisis. Coordinated, supportive services are also provided, directly or by referral. You can learn more about Open Shelter at https://theopenshelter.org/
Christ's Cocoons
Christ’s Cocoons helps the homeless by providing them with sleeping bags and other personal care items. You can learn more about Christ’s Cocoons at https://www.christs-cocoons.org/.
Pickerington Ridgeview Jr. High Care Closet
Peace Church collects gently used clothing and personal care items for Pickerington Ridgeview Jr. High.
Pickerington Food Pantry
The Pickerington Food Pantry provides emergency food assistance to income- and residence-eligible clients. Learn more at https://pickeringtonfoodpantry.org/