I’m New
Let us help make your 1st visit a great one!
Visiting Peace at Home
Peace believes deeply in meeting people where they are, which is why we also offer an online option.
Visiting Peace in Person
Let’s face it, visiting a church for the first time can be a little intimidating. Our goal is to help make your first visit to PEACE church great and help you make a connection with Jesus and with his people. To make your first visit easier you can let us know you are coming by clicking Here Join us Sunday’s at 9:15 for our Traditional service or 10:45 a.m. for our Contemporary Service.
Let us know you are coming and we will...
- Meet you at our Welcome Center just inside the main door.
- Introduce you to some other awesome PEACE people.
- Help you get your kids checked in to our PEACE Kids children ministry.
- Give you a tour of the church.
- Make sure you get a hot cup of coffee and all your questions answered!
How Do I Get There?
- Sunday Service: 235 Diley Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147
- Call or Text 614-837-3732
- Email info@peaceumc.org
What About My Kids?
PEACE Kids ministry exists to help our children learn about God and how to live in the world He has created. A wonderful and committed team of volunteers works to bring our children to Jesus through care, love, teaching of God’s Word, Worship, and play. It is our desire that our children will mature in their relationship with God so their character will reflect that of Christ. We offer five distinct classes on Sundays for our kids from birth-4th grade.
- Nursery
- 3 to 4 year olds
- Pre-K to Kindergarten
- 1st and 2nd grades
- 3rd and 4th grades
What Should I Wear To A Service At PEACE?
At PEACE we have a very strict dress code. It is absolutely mandatory you wear clothes. Other than that we are open. Wear what you feel comfortable in. Jeans, T-Shirts, Seriously… Whatever you want to wear. It’s all good. Just wear something.
Can I Come Even If I Am Not Religious?
Honestly, we would prefer it if you were not religious. Jesus didn’t take to kindly to religious people in his day. We do our best to make our services accessible to anyone. Whether you grew up in church or this is your first time, we think you will fit in just fine.
Will I Be Welcome?
Literally Everyone is welcome at PEACE.
Regardless of race, creed, gender, sexuality, background, religion, or lack of religion, truly every person is welcome here.
How Long Are Your Services?
Don’t worry, you won’t be with us all day. Our services are pretty short, you can expect about 60 minutes.
We usually sing a few songs together, and there is always a practical, Bible-centered message that will be applicable to your life.
Where do I park?
There are plenty of parking spaces all around the building.